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Fantastic article by Nadine
Arab Americans have been subjected to vilification, racism, discrimination, racial profiling, intrusive security monitoring, surveillance, FBI entrapment, violation of rights and liberties, extraordinary rendition, torture, intimidation and hate crimes … [a]ll in the name of responding to 9/11.” Nadine Saliba … Continue reading
Beirut’s development dilemma
Amid the towering building projects dotting the cityscape of Beirut, that ancient city where Poseidon was worshiped millennia ago, a battle rages between the guardians of the past and the developers for the future. Read more here.
Art opens our eyes
Sandow Birk is not Muslim. He’s just meditating on his interpretation of the Quran. Helene Ayon [the next artist to be featured] was raised in a strict Orthodox Jewish family but is also a feminist. Max Gimblett is a practicing … Continue reading
Pittsburgh’s lookin’ good
“IN about a million ways, crazy old Pittsburgh is not like other cities in this part of the world, but the first thing people usually notice about it — coming in from the Pennsylvania Turnpike and through the Squirrel Hill … Continue reading