Category Archives for just food
Pizza and Bread and Yum
Disclaimer: This recipe, and in fact, this blog post is not for you. While I hope that you enjoy it and try the recipe, it’s not written for you. It’s not written in any kind of effort to start a … Continue reading
I F’ing Love Pasta
I love pasta, and yes, I love reading about pasta. (Don’t roll your eyes at me!) And now I love looking at pasta, or at least at beautiful illustrations of pasta. I just bought The Geometry of Pasta and it’s … Continue reading
Genuine Food
Recipe Rebellion? Come on NPR. Just put the ridges in the gnocchi. Continue reading
Is this necessary?
Kitchen Nano Garden
I love that there are no pesticides involved, but I’m not so sure about the lighting that’s being used. Maybe the unit could be kept near windows instead. But still, this is such a great product. via Kitchen Nano Garden … Continue reading
July Foodie Penpal Reveal – A Box of Utah
Sometimes you can exchange a few words with a person and just instantly know that s/he is someone you’d like to get to know better. That’s exactly how I felt when I got an email from Lisa S., my July … Continue reading
June Foodie Penpal Reveal Plus a Recipe for Lebanese Cous Cous
My June Foodie Penpal box and the delicious Lebanese dish that I plan to make with the cous cous that my pen pal sent. Continue reading
Foodie Penpals
Joining Foodie Penpals is a great way to meet new people, try new foods, and discover new blogs. Continue reading
A cajeta longing
For days, I have had a terrible craving for cajeta … I haven’t been able to get to the store to buy any, and that’s probably a good thing. A friend suggested that I make it myself because it’s so … Continue reading
Cacio di Bosco al Tartufo
The most delicious cheese. Addicting. With a Barolo. Yummy.